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What to know about smart lighting in Flint

close up of phone with light settings

Can you imagine what Thomas Edison would think about our latest Flint smart lights? Beginning with his breakthrough in illumination, we now have access to smart home systems that allow you to manipulate your property’s lighting with your smartphone. Nevertheless, before you hurry away and acquire the most recent system, take time to do a little homework, so you understand what could be the best option for your home.

Use the platform you already have in your home

Many home automation configurations work with a variety of platforms that can adjust your smart lighting in Flint, but it’s wise to go with something you’re familiar with . For example, if you use an Android smartphone, you would likely prefer a set up that functions in conjunction with Google. Or you could select Amazon’s Echo as an alternative so you can utilize spoken instructions on your smart speaker. Keep in mind, if you have a Vivint security and automation package, your smart home mobile app will work in harmony with Google, Amazon, Android, and iOS.

Do you need a smart hub?

You have the option of buying one or two smart light bulbs that integrate easily with your current set up, but then you lose out on several safety and convenience advantages. Vivint’s Smart Home Automation is able to integrate into your home’s security if you are looking for the most from your smart lighting in Flint.

The better option is to connect to a hub system and associate your lighting with a smart doorbell, entry-point sensors, along with your other security and automation components. As a result your smart lighting may be set up to automatically illuminate when an outside camera notices some questionable activity. Or make your lights turn off while your security alarms arm before bed.

You have control over your Flint smart lights

The option to schedule your lights is one of the best features of smart lighting. Practically every LED smart bulb can be managed in different methods, giving you the ability to activate or deactivate them at a set time. You may even operate them on a timed interval, manage them according to the specific times of sunrise and sunset, or create a range of custom plans to fit your needs. When using the Vivint smart home application, you can make them do exactly what you need and at your specified moment, including lowering or illuminating per a set routine.

Smart lighting is affordable and lowers your energy bill

LED smart lights lower your energy usage much more than the older technology you used before and aren't hot to the touch. You can also save money through the use of location-based controls, built-in motion sensors, the Vivint cell phone app, or incorporating with other smart home devices. You will find that you’ve created an ecosystem right at your own house that uses and saves energy like you’ve previously only dreamed of.

Then expand beyond smart lighting

One of the great benefits of the Vivint smart home concept is its ability to protect your entire home, including not only smart lighting but video doorbells, smart locking systems, inside and outside surveillance, smart thermostats, garage door controls, and an array of other possibilities. When you have total command of your home security and automation, your home becomes more secure.

Equip your home with Flint smart lighting from Vivint

When upgrading your standard light bulbs to versatile smart lights, you should explore what Vivint will do for your property. Our smart home installations are designed to make your house safer and more energy efficient while enhancing your lifestyle. Contact (810) 672-7953 and start customizing your smart home today!